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Quanta Manufacturing Cloud Services
    Are you still sending and receiving E-mail on a daily job for your company’s orders, shipments and invoice operations? Create a Service Cloud-Purchase Process Management allow you to easily join a solution for supply chain management. Through the cloud service mode, no server purchase is required, and no database needs to be built; all that you need is a web browser to make the company user coworker with Quanta operator member directly. This cloud service provides “forecast Management”, “Payment Management” and “Purchase Order Management”; it satisfies your need for manage purchase process, it can also reduce your cost for constructing and maintaining a system!


Design Chain(5 licenses)
    每個產品從概念、設計、測試驗證,到量產上市期間,需要需跨多公司協同合作,例如不同公司人員的整合溝通,與不同公司資料的交換管理等。【研發服務雲】- 設計鏈管理(Design Chain)便是為了解決設計階段,人員與資料管理所開發的雲端解決方案。協同設計平台基於企業社群架構能提供公司一致、安全的資料交換機制,有效管理設計階段產生的檔案或文件。達成Secure Access、Get Connected 、Share Information 、Work Together設計供應鏈之目標。


MRO Cloud Service
    MRO製造雲能快速取得將廣達中心廠的即時訊息,並能快速反應及回覆,掌握及時商機,同時透過平台的互信機制,整合企業供應鏈資料,節省上、下游廠商間溝通成本,提昇企業營運績效,同時也創造持久的競爭優勢。 藉由廣達導入帳務管理提供預計付款與實際付款等資訊,為企業對於款項的進出有更高的掌控優勢,能提早得知預計收到的款項,對於款項能有更靈活地調用,廠商也能與公司自身的帳款資料進行比對,確保款項正確。